In this section there are some guides for installing, setting up and configuring software...
- DynDNS client (ddclient)
- DNS resolver (unbound)
- NTP client and server (ntpd)
- Streaming multimedia files (cvlc)
- Announcing multimedia streams (minisapserver)
- Video-On-Demand with VLC (cvlc)
- Setting up Bluetooth dongle (bluetooth)
- VNC server (tightvncserver)
- No-IP client (noip2)
- Samba shares (samba)
- Plotting graphs (gnuplot)
- Internet via GPRS/EDGE/3G/HSPA
- Installing and securing OpenSSH server
- Installint XMPP/Jabber server
- Installing CryptoCat encrypted messaging service
- Installing converse.js XMPP/Jabber IM client